Mother’s milk is not just food, it’s the first and most crucial gift a mother gives to her tiny wonder. It consists of nutrients, antibodies, and most importantly love, it’s nature’s design to protect and nourish babies like nothing else can. But why is it so important?

    In this world, breastfeeding is the golden standard in newborn nutrition. Apart from feeding, it develops a bond that enhances emotional and physical growth. Further, read this blog to know why mother’s milk is considered ‘liquid gold’.

    Why mother’s milk is considered a nutritional powerhouse?

    ●     Vital nutrients for growth and development:

    Mother’s milk consists of vitamins, minerals, protein, and healthy fats, all correctly balanced for the baby’s needs. It has lactose for energy, vital fatty acids for brain development, and amino acids for growth of tissues.

    ●     Ideal composition for newborn’s needs:

    Simply, breast milk adapts to the changing nutritional requirements of babies. The first milk produced is known as colostrum, which is rich in antibodies and acts as the first vaccine for the baby.

    ●     Tailored nutrition as babies grow:

    As babies grow, the composition of breast milk varies to meet their developmental requirements.

    What are the immunological benefits of breast milk?

    ●     Developing a strong immune system:

    By breastfeeding you can help your baby in improving their immune system by offering white blood cells and immune-boosting proteins. If you feel like your baby’s immune system is weak, reach out to the best NICU hospital in Coimbatore to improve the health and wellness of your baby.

    ●     Transfer of antibodies for protection:

    Antibodies will be transferred from mother to baby when breastfeeding, which offers protection against bacteria and viruses during the early months of life.

    How does breast milk promote a baby’s growth and development?

    ●     Cognitive and brain growth:

    Breast milk is rich in DHA, a fatty acid significant for the development of the brain, and breastfeeding and mother’s milk will result in good cognitive performance in later periods of life.

    ●     Emotional bonding between baby and mother:

    Typically, feeding newborns fosters closeness, security, and trust between child and mother.

    ●     Escaping obesity:

    When compared with other babies, breastfeeding babies will regulate their own intake, limiting the risk of binge eating and obesity later in life.

    What are the long-term health advantages?

    Usually, breastfeeding will help babies in later life by reducing chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and hypertension. Further, breast milk contains probiotics that enhance gut health and digestion. Also, breastfeeding and mother’s milk will reduce the likelihood of getting allergies and asthma due to its anti-inflammatory properties.

    How long should a mother breastfeed the baby? a

    It’s better to continue breastfeeding at least for six months and continue alongside solid foods until at least one year. To ensure the baby’s health, mothers should limit the consumption of caffeine, alcohol, and highly processed foods. To boost milk production when breastfeeding, mothers can try staying hydrated, frequent nursing, and eating a healthy diet. In case, your little wonder is facing issues like being underweight, having fewer wet diapers, and constant fussiness, these are the prompt signs that indicate the baby is not getting sufficient milk through your breastfeeding. 

    What are the best ways to increase breast milk?

    One of the common concerns among new mothers is boosting breast milk. Further, let’s see the most effective ways to increase breast milk:

    • Frequent nursing: often breastfeed your baby, that is 8 to 12 times a day, which triggers your body to produce more milk. Emptying your breast during each breastfeeding is the key.
    • Proper positioning: Make sure your baby latches on properly to allow efficient milk extraction. Bad latching will disturb milk flow and reduce the supply.
    • Eat well: Following a healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins and drinking sufficient water supports milk production. Foods such as oats, fenugreek, fennel seeds, and garlic are natural galactagogies that help in increasing milk production during breastfeeding.
    • Pump when feeding: Using a breast pump after feeding will stimulate further milk production and help build supply.
    • Skin-to-skin contact: To encourage breastfeeding, hold your baby skin-to-skin, and it will trigger the release of oxytocin, a hormone that supports blood flow.
    • Avoid formula feeding: Exclusive breastfeeding in the beginning assists in establishing a strong milk supply.
    • Get sufficient rest: Notably, stress and fatigue will potentially reduce the supply of milk production, so try to rest and relax well whenever possible.
    • Consult a lactation specialist: If concerns persist, try getting guidance from a lactation consultant to sort out specific challenges in breastfeeding.

    By following these tips consistently, mothers can improve their milk supply and greatly assist in the baby’s growth and development. Further, try to follow the instructions of the neonatology specialist in Coimbatore to boost your milk supply and improve your baby’s health.

    Important takeaway:

    In conclusion, we can say that mother’s milk is a precious liquid that comes with a complete package of nutrition, immunity, and emotional bonding that no other substitute can match. Its benefit comes till adulthood, making it one of nature’s most incredible gifts.

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